Manage Transformations

Manage your transformations in the RudderStack dashboard.

RudderStack provides an intuitive UI to help you manage your transformations. This guide will walk you through the steps to:

Connect transformation to destination

You can connect a transformation to many destinations. However, each destination can have only one connected transformation at any given time.

Connect cloud mode destinations

RudderStack supports connecting a transformation to a cloud mode destination, that is, destination that supports sending events via cloud mode.

See Connect transformations to cloud mode destinations for more information.

Connect device mode destinations


Note that:

  • Device mode transformations are currently in beta.
  • You can enable device mode transformations only from the Transformations tab.

You can also connect a transformation to a device mode destination, that is, destination that supports sending events via device mode.

See Connect transformations to device mode destinations for more information.

Disconnect transformation

There are two ways to disconnect a transformation from a destination:

From transformation

  1. Go to the Connections tab of your transformation and click Manage Destinations.
  2. Click the Edit Connection button.
  3. Disable the Connect to transformation toggle and click Save.
Disable transformation
  1. Click Proceed to confirm.

From destination

  1. Go to the destination and click the Transformation tab. The connected transformation is shown here.
  2. Click Remove.
  3. Click Yes, remove to confirm and disconnect the transformation.

Switch transformation

Switching between transformations affects the data sent to the destination.
  1. Click the Connections tab of your transformation and click Manage Destinations. You will see a list of all the destinations and the transformations connected to them.
Current transformation
  1. Suppose you want to switch the transformation from T2 to Test Transformation for the destination databricks destn-1. Click the Edit Connection option.
Switch transformation
  1. Click Yes to disconnect the existing transformation and proceed.
Save transformation
  1. Click Save > Switch to confirm switching the transformation.
Switch transformation confirmation

Note that:

  • You must click the Save button for any connection-related changes to take effect.
  • The previous transformation will be reconnected to the destination automatically, if you switch a transformation but do not save the changes.

Delete transformation

To delete a transformation, go to Collect > Transformations and click the Delete button next to the transformation you want to delete.

You cannot delete a transformation connected to a destination.
Delete transformation

Manage connections

RudderStack gives you clear visibility into which transformation is connected to a destination at a given point. This is helpful in cases where you have many transformations connected to various destinations.

To manage your transformation-destination connections, go to the Connections tab of your transformation and click Manage Destinations.

Manage destinations button

You will see a list of all the destinations and the transformations connected to them. The transformation you’re currently viewing will be highlighted in bold.

Current transformation

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