
Harden JavaScript SDK

Steps to configure a hardened version of the JavaScript SDK.

This guide walks you through the steps of setting up and configuring a hardened version of your JavaScript SDK. These steps focus on minimizing the SDK’s reliance on external resources that could be used as an attack surface to disrupt events flow or compromise the app, thereby enhancing security.

SDK hardening steps

  1. Use a named export that bundles plugins while packaging RudderStack directly in your project using NPM. By using the NPM package export that bundles the plugins code, the SDK does not make any request to dynamically download the plugins.

You can also:

  1. Override/mock source configuration data. By mocking the source configuration response to the SDK, RudderStack does not make any source configuration request again.
rudderAnalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  polyfillIfRequired: false,
  getSourceConfig: () => ({
    updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
    source: {
      // Use relevant valid values from the RudderStack dashboard
      name: SOURCE_NAME,
      id: SOURCE_ID,
      workspaceId: WORKSPACE_ID,
      writeKey: WRITE_KEY,
      updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(),
      config: {
        statsCollection: {
          errors: {
            enabled: false
          metrics: {
            enabled: false
      enabled: true,
      destinations: []
  1. Disable the loading of polyfills by setting polyfillIfRequired to false. By disabling polyfills, the SDK does not dynamically add a polyfills script from a third-party domain.
rudderAnalytics.load(WRITE_KEY, DATA_PLANE_URL, {
  polyfillIfRequired: false

RudderStack also recommends using only the cloud mode destinations to avoid loading any other third-party SDKs on the website.

Final instrumentation

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