Transformation Observability

Transformations error visibility and notification settings for improved user experience.
Available Plans
  • free
  • starter
  • growth
  • enterprise

We have updated our Transformations feature, focusing on improved visibility of transformation errors and provide an option to enable notifications.

Prior to this update, transformation errors were visible only under the Events tab of the destination. Based on your feedback, we have now introduced a dedicated Transformation Events option that provides a centralized view of transformation errors, enabling you to identify and take action on any issues quickly. With this option, you can easily filter errors across all destinations or focus on errors specific to a single destination. Additionally, you can now drill down into the errors and examine sample events, facilitating efficient debugging of transformation processes.

To further enhance your Transformations experience, we have also introduced a new notification feature for transformation errors. You can now enable notifications for transformation errors by navigating to the Settings tab. Once enabled, you will receive email notifications in case of transformation errors. Like other notifications, you will receive a maximum of one daily notification for each destination with a transformation error.

For more information on these updates, see Manage transformations.

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