IAM Role Authentication Support for Redshift Destination

IAM role based authentication support for Redshift destination.
Available Plans
  • free
  • starter
  • growth
  • enterprise

RudderStack now supports IAM role based authentication, while setting up your Redshift warehouse destination. This method provides enhanced security over the traditional access keys based authentication mechanism.

To use this feature:

  1. Create an IAM role for Redshift that gives RudderStack the required access to your Redshift cluster.
  2. Turn on the Use IAM for Authentication toggle while setting up your Redshift destination in RudderStack and enter the following details:
  • AWS Cluster ID
  • AWS Cluster Region
  • Database
  • User with the required read/write access to the above database
  • IAM Role ARN
  • Namespace

See the following guides for more information on this feature:

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