Optimizely Feature Experimentation (Full Stack) Enhancements

Improvements to RudderStack’s Optimizely Full Stack integration.
Available Plans
  • free
  • starter
  • growth
  • enterprise

We have revamped our Optimizely Feature Experimentation (formerly Full Stack) integration. With these enhancements, you can:

  • Set up and configure your Optimizely destination in no time by leveraging the enhanced UI.
  • Send events to Optimizely via cloud mode.
  • Map custom RudderStack events and attributes to specific Optimizely fields using our intuitive mapping interface or the newly-introduced JSON mapper. If you do not specify these mappings, RudderStack sends the event name to Optimizely by default.
RudderStack mapping interface

See our Optimizely Feature Experimentation documentation to get started.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack