Google Analytics 4 v2 Destination

Integrate RudderStack with Google Analytics 4.
Available Plans
  • free
  • starter
  • growth
  • enterprise

Today, we launched Google Analytics 4 v2 as a destination. Now you can seamlessly track the traffic and user engagement metrics across your websites and apps and send this data to Google Analytics 4.

This new and improved version of our Google Analytics 4 integration provides the following features:

  • Simplified setup process by leveraging oAuth.
  • Ability to customize your events and properties mappings for track and ecommerce events.
  • Send custom events in addition to the standard events defined by Google Analytics 4.
The Google Analytics 4 v2 destination supports cloud and hybrid mode (applicable only for web).

See the Google Analytics 4 v2 destination documentation for more information on setting up and using this integration.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack