Setup Guide

Set up and configure Smartly as a destination in RudderStack.

This guide will help you set up Smartly as a destination in the RudderStack dashboard. It also lists the configuration settings required to correctly send data from the supported sources to Smartly.

Connection compatibility

Destination info
  • Status: Beta
  • Supported sources: Android, iOS , Unity, AMP , Web, Cloud, Warehouse, React Native , Flutter, Cordova, Shopify
  • Refer to it as SMARTLY in the Integrations object.

Connection modes
SourceCloud modeDevice modeHybrid mode
AMPsupportednot supportednot supported
Androidsupportednot supportednot supported
Cloudsupportednot supportednot supported
Cordovasupportednot supportednot supported
Fluttersupportednot supportednot supported
iOSsupportednot supportednot supported
React Nativesupportednot supportednot supported
Shopifysupportednot supportednot supported
Unitysupportednot supportednot supported
Warehousesupportednot supportednot supported
Websupportednot supportednot supported
Supported message types
Cloud mode
Supported sourcesnot supportednot supportedsupportednot supportednot supportednot supportednot supported


In your RudderStack dashboard, add a source. Then, from the list of destinations, select Smartly.

Connection settings

Destination nameAssign a name to uniquely identify the destination.
API TokenEnter your Smartly API token.

Configuration settings

The Client-side Event Filtering setting lets you specify which events should be discarded or allowed to flow through.

Choose if you want to turn on events filteringRetain the default No events filtering setting as Smartly is a cloud mode destination and this setting is applicable only for device mode supported destinations.

Event mapping

External Event mappingsClick Set-up mapping to map the RudderStack events to Smartly events. RudderStack also provides the JSON mapper to set these mappings.

Next steps

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