DCM Floodlight Device Mode Integration

Send events to DCM Floodlight using RudderStack device mode.

RudderStack lets you send your event data to DCM Floodlight destination via device mode using the native web SDK. RudderStack uses global site tagging in device mode.

Find the open source transformer code for this destination in the GitHub repository.


The track call lets you capture user events along with the properties associated with them.

A sample track call is as shown below:

rudderanalytics.track('tshirt', {
  countingMethod: "transactions",
  revenue: "2605846",
  orderId: "2605847"

countingMethod is a required property that specifies how to count the conversions for a Floodlight activity. The methods to count conversions depend on whether you are creating or editing a counter or sales tag activity.

Refer to the FAQ section for more information on counting methods for these tags.

Note that if countingMethod is absent in your event properties, RudderStack uses the method specified in the Floodlight Counting Method dashboard setting as a fallback value. If you do not specify both these fields, RudderStack gives a “not found” error for the counting method.

The following table details the integrations object mapping for DCM Floodlight:

RudderStack propertyDCM Floodlight propertyDescription
COPPAtag_for_child_directed_treatmentImposes requirements on the websites/online services operators directed to children under 13 years of age. Reference.
GDPRtfuaThe EU law on general data protection and privacy. Reference.
npanpaThe law catering to users who wish to opt out of remarketing.

The following table details the mapping between the optional RudderStack and DCM Floodlight properties:

RudderStack propertyDCM Floodlight propertyTag
properties.sessionIdordCounter - per_session
properties.sessionIdsession_idCounter - per_session
properties.numnumCounter - unique
properties.quantityquantitySales - items_sold

There are some slight variations in terms of the mapped DCM Floodlight parameters when you use the Iframe tag, as opposed to the global site tag. However, RudderStack handles this variation internally.

The following table details the mapping between the optional RudderStack and DCM Floodlight properties when using the Iframe tag:

RudderStack propertyDCM Floodlight propertyTag
properties.ordordCounter - standard
properties.sessionIdordCounter - per_session
properties.numnumCounter - unique
properties.quantityqtySales - items_sold
When using the Iframe tag, RudderStack sends ord=1 for the Counter - unique tag and qty=1 for the Sales - transactions tag.

The following table provides a brief description of the above DCM Floodlight properties:

DCM Floodlight propertyDescription
dc_latIndicates if the user has enabled the Limited Ad Tracking option for IDFA/Android Advertising ID.
ordMakes the Floodlight tag unique and prevents browser caching.
quantityRudderStack adds the quantity of all products in the products array or refers to the top-level quantity property.
valueRudderStack sends the revenue parameter to DCM Floodlight.
matchIdIdentifier created by the advertiser to attribute offline conversions.
numControls cache busting manually.
session_idInserts a unique session ID while using counter tags with a per session counting methodology.
transaction_idSets a unique identifier for a transaction.

Custom parameters

You can also send data to DCM Floodlight using the below-mentioned custom fields:

RudderStack custom fieldDCM Floodlight propertyCounting method
properties.numnumCounter - unique
For more information on the counting methods, refer to this DCM Floodlight documentation.


The page call lets you record your website’s page views with any additional relevant information about the viewed page.

Based on the presence of name and category fields in the page call, RudderStack transforms the event in the following format:

name fieldcategory fieldTransformed event
Viewed Page
Viewed PAGE NAME Page

A sample page call is as shown below:

rudderanalytics.page('landing', {
  countingMethod: "standard"


What are the counting methods for sales and counter tag?

For the Sales tag, the counting methods are as shown:

DCM Floodlight report builder

For the Counter tag, the counting methods are shown below:

DCM Floodlight report builder

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack