
Switch between multiple workspaces in your RudderStack organization.
Available Plans
  • starter
  • growth
  • enterprise

RudderStack’s Workspaces feature lets you switch between multiple environments within a RudderStack organization. It provides a clean user experience with organization-level clarity on billing and usage.

Organization and workspace hierarchy

This section defines an organization and workspace in RudderStack.


When you sign up for RudderStack Cloud, your email is associated with a top-level user account, also referred to as an organization. RudderStack calculates all your billing and events usage at an organization level.

To view the organization details and manage its settings, go to Settings > Organization in your RudderStack dashboard.

Organization in RudderStack

If your email is associated with multiple RudderStack organizations, you will see multiple organizations along with the number of workspaces in it once you log in:

Select organization view

You can select your preferred organization. To switch to a different organization and view the associated workspaces, click the Switch organization button:

Switch organization


A workspace is an environment or nested grouping of resources and related settings. It is walled from other workspaces and you can use it for your development and production use-cases. See Workspace types for more information.

Depending on your RudderStack Cloud plan, your organization can have multiple workspaces. See Available workspaces by plan for more information.

To view the workspace details and manage its settings, go to Settings > Workspace in your RudderStack dashboard.

Workspace in RudderStack

You get the following options in this view:

  • In the General tab, you can see the environment type (Dev/Prod) and the workspace ID. A Workspace ID is the unique identifier for the workspace. You can also edit your workspace name.
  • In the Data Management tab, you can review and edit your data retention and privacy options.
  • In the Audit Logs tab, you can track user activities within the workspace. See the Audit Logs guide for more information.
The workspace-related audit logs can only be accessed by the users having admin permissions.
  • In the Alerts tab, you can set workspace and source-level alerts for your Event Stream sources and destinations. See the Alerts guide for more information.
  • In the Credentials tab, you can store configuration data like secrets and variables and use them in your transformations. See the Credentials guide for more information.

Workspace types

RudderStack provides the following workspace types:

  • Production: In this workspace, you can set up stable and optimized data pipelines made available to your customers and end-users.
  • Development: In this workspace, you can set up, test, and debug your data pipelines for optimal performance without affecting your end-users. You can also experiment with various RudderStack features.

See Available workspaces by plan for more information on the number of workspaces you can set up based on your RudderStack Cloud plan. See Add users to add users to different workspaces. For differences between the development and production workspaces, see FAQ.

Switch workspaces

To switch between workspaces, click Workspace > Switch workspace. Then, select the workspace you want to view.

Switch workspace

Access control

You can set the user permissions and access control rules at the organization level and the workspaces level within the organization.

The owner of the RudderStack Cloud account is assigned the role of an Org Admin by default. They can invite other members as Org Admins or Org Members. Further, if you invite a user to your organization as Org Admin, they will have admin permissions for all the workspaces within that organization.

Available workspaces by plan

RudderStack Cloud planNumber of workspacesAvailability
Starter2 (1 Production, 1 Development)Available by default.
Growth2 (1 Production, 1 Development)Available by default.
EnterpriseCustomContact the RudderStack team to set up workspaces based on contract.


What are the differences between the dev and prod workspaces in RudderStack?

Some key differences between the development and production workspaces in RudderStack are listed below:

  • Users can have different resource roles and access policies between development/production workspaces. For example, a user might be a Connections Admin in the development workspace but not in the production workspace.
  • The development workspace users will not be able to push sources, destinations, and pipeline configurations into the production workspace and vice versa.
  • The development workspace exists on a slightly different infrastructure to the production workspace. There could be slightly longer processing times for features like Live Events as compared to the production workspace, which runs in a dedicated environment for the users.

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