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Additional Concepts

Additional concepts related to Profiles like packages, best practices, partial feature tables, etc.

This guide explains some of the advanced concepts related to Profiles.


Profiles gives you the flexibility to utilize models from existing library projects while defining your own models and inputs within the PB project. This approach allows for a seamless integration of library of pre-existing features, which are readily available and can be applied directly to data streamed into your warehouse.

In the absence of any explicitly defined models, the PB project is capable of compiling and running models from the library package given that inputs are present in the warehouse as assumed in the lib package.

Packages currently work only on Snowflake.

The following list of packages are currently available in Profiles. You can contact the RudderStack team to access these:

Generally, there will be some deviations in terms of the database name and schema name of input models - however, you can easily handle this by remapping inputs.

A sample pb_project.yaml file may look as follows:

name: app_project
schema_version: 54
profile: test
  - name: test_ft
    gitUrl: "https://github.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tree/main"

In this case, the PB project imports a single package. It does not require a separate models folder or entities as the input and output models will be sourced from the imported packages.


Note that:

  • If non-mandatory inputs required by the model are not present in the warehouse, you can still run the model.
  • If there is any deviation in the table/view name for input models, that is, if the inputs assumed in library package are present under some other name, make sure to do the remapping.
  • If some of the assumed inputs are not present at all, they should be remapped to nil. This way you can create and run imported packages with minimal set of inputs present.

For example, to import a library package with the name of shopify_features:

  - name: shopify_features
    url: https://github.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tree/main
      rsCartCreate: inputs/rsWarehouseCartCreate
      rsCartUpdate: inputs/rsCartUpdate
      rsIdentifies: inputs/rsIdentifies
      rsOrderCancelled: inputs/rsOrderCancelled
      rsOrderCreated: inputs/rsOrderCreated
      rsPages: nil
      rsTracks: nil

In models/inputs.yaml, these inputs need to be defined with table names present in the warehouse.

  - name: rsWarehouseCartCreate
    occurred_at_col: timestamp
      - select: "anonymous_id"
        type: anonymous_id
        entity: user
      role: shopify
      category: webhook
  - name: rsIdentifies
    occurred_at_col: timestamp
      - select: "user_id"
        type: user_id
        entity: user
      - select: "anonymous_id"
        type: anonymous_id
        entity: user
      - select: "lower(email)"
        type: email
        entity: user
      role: shopify
      category: webhook

Note that the name of the table/view is changed to the appropriate name in your warehouse. If tables are present with the same name (including database name and schema name) then no remapping is required.

Modify ID types

Extend existing package

You can add custom ID types to the default list or modify an existing one by extending the package to include your specifications.

For the corresponding id_type, add the key extends: followed by name of the same/different id_type that you wish to extend and the filters with include/exclude values.

  - name: corelib
    url: "https://github.com/rudderlabs/rudderstack-profiles-corelib/tag/schema_{{best_schema_version}}"
  - name: user_id
    extends: user_id
      - type: exclude
        value: 123456
  - name: customer_id
    extends: user_id
      - type: include
        regex: sample
  • id_types: Enlists the type of data to be used for creating ID stitcher / EntityVar / InputVar. For example, anonymous IDs that do not include the value undefined or email addresses in proper format.
    • extends: Name of the ID type that you wish to extend.
    • name: The type of data that will be fetched, like email, user ID, etc. It is different from whatever is present in the table column, like int or varchar.
    • filters: Filter(s) that the type should go through before being included. Filters are processed in order. Current filters enable one to include and exclude specific values or regular expressions.

Custom list of ID types

To have custom list of ID types other than the provisions in the default package, you can remove and add your list as follows:

  - name: user
      - user_id
      - anonymous_id
      - email

  - name: user_id
  - name: anonymous_id
      - type: exclude
        value: ""
      - type: exclude
        value: "unknown"
      - type: exclude
        value: "NaN"
  - name: email
    - type: include
      regex: "[A-Za-z0-9+_.-]+@(.+)"
Make sure that the ID types are also defined in the entity definition.

Model Contracts

With model contracts, you can declare constraints that the model adheres to. A model having a dependency on another model would also need to declare a contract specifying what columns and entities the input model must have. For contract validation, these columns should be present in the referenced model.

For an input of a project like a library project, the model contract is used to enforce constraints on tables/views that get wired to it downstream.

# inputs.yaml
  - name: rsIdentifies
      is_optional: false
      is_event_stream: true
        - user
        - name: timestamp
        - name: user_id
        - name: anonymous_id
        - name: email

In SQL model, the contract would contain all the columns from IDs and features. Each internal model also publishes the contract it promises to adhere to. Suppose rsSessionTable has an input shopify_session_features. Model contracts enable rsSessionTable to specify the constraints that shopify_session_features must adhere to.

- name: rsSessionTable
  model_type: sql_template
    ... # model specifications
    single_sql: |
      {% set contract = BuildContract('{"with_columns":[{"name":"user_id"}, {"name":"anonymous_id"}]}') %}
      {% with SessionFeature = this.DeRef("models/shopify_session_features",contract)%}
          select user_id as id1, anonymous_id as id2 from {{SessionFeature}}
      - user
      - name: user_id
        type: string
        is_optional: true # false being default
      - name: anonymous_id
        type: string
        is_optional: true # false being default

Here, rsSessionTable declares that its input shopify_session_features must have columns user_id and anonymous_id. This helps in improving data quality and error handling. Internally, this requested contract is validated against shopify_session_features’s actual contract. For validation to pass, input_shopify_session_features_contract must be a subset of shopify_session_features’s published contract.

This enables more comprehensive static and dynamic validations of our projects.

Partial feature tables

Partial feature tables are created when only a few input sources are available.

For example, lets say that you import a library package and some of the input models assumed in the package are not present in your warehouse.

When you remap some of these input models to nil, those inputs and the features directly or indirectly dependent upon those inputs are disabled. In such cases, a partial feature table is created from the rest of the available inputs. Similarly, ID stitcher also runs even if few of the edge sources are not present in the warehouse or remapped to nil.

Pre and post hooks

A pre hook enables you to execute an SQL before running a model, for example, if you want to change DB access, create a DB object, etc. Likewise, a post hook enables you to execute an SQL after running a model. The SQL can also be templatized. Here’s an example code snippet:

  - name: test_id_stitcher
    model_type: id_stitcher
      pre_run: "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW {{warehouse.ObjRef('V1')}} AS (SELECT * from {{warehouse.ObjRef('Temp_tbl_a')}});"
      post_run: 'CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW {{warehouse.ObjRef("V2")}} AS (SELECT * from {{warehouse.ObjRef("Temp_tbl_a")}});'
      - # rest of model specs go here

Use Amazon S3 bucket as input

This is an experimental feature.

If you store data in your Amazon S3 bucket in a CSV file format, you can use it as an input for the Profiles models. The S3 URI path must be specified in the app_defaults.s3:

name: s3_table
  is_optional: false
  is_event_stream: true
    - user
    - name: insert_ts
      datatype: timestamp
    - name: num_a
      datatype: integer
  s3: "s3://bucket-name/prefix/example.csv"
  occurred_at_col: insert_ts
    - select: "id1"
      type: test_id
      entity: user
    - select: "id2"
      type: test_id
      entity: user

Ensure that the CSV file follows the standard format with the first row as the header containing column names, for example:


Note that:

  • To escape comma (,) from any cell of the CSV file, enclose that cell with double quotes " " .
  • Double quotes (" ") enclosing a cell are ignored.

Follow the below steps to grant PB the required permissions to access the file in S3 Bucket:

Private S3 bucket

Add region, access key id, secret access key, and session token in your siteconfig file so that PB can access the private bucket. By default, the region is set to us-east-1 unless specified otherwise.

    region: us-east-1
    access_key: **********
    secret_access_key: **********
    session_token: **********

Generate access key id and secret access key

  1. Open the AWS IAM console in your AWS account.
  2. Click Policies.
  3. Click Create policy.
  4. In the Policy editor section, click the JSON option.
  5. Replace the existing JSON policy with the following policy and replace the <bucket_name> with your actual bucket name:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>/*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "s3:prefix": [
  1. Click Review policy.
  2. Enter the policy name. Then, click Create policy to create the policy.

Further, create an IAM user by following the below steps:


An IAM user requires the following permissions on an S3 bucket and folder to access files in the folder (and sub-folders):

  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:GetObjectVersion
  • s3:ListBucket
  1. In AWS IAM console, Click Users.
  2. Click Create user.
  3. Enter a name for the user.
  4. Select Programmatic access as the access type, then click Next: Permissions.
  5. Click Attach existing policies directly, and select the policy you created earlier. Then click Next.
  6. Review the user details, then click Create user.
  7. Copy the access key ID and secret access key values.

Generate session token

  1. Use the AWS CLI to create a named profile with the AWS credentials that you copied in the previous step.
  2. To get the session token, run the following command:
 $ aws sts get-session-token --profile <named-profile>

See Snowflake, Redshift, and Databricks for more information.

Public S3 Bucket

You must have the following permissions on the S3 bucket and folder to access files in the folder (and sub-folders):

  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:GetObjectVersion
  • s3:ListBucket

You can use the following policy in your bucket to grant the above permissions:

  1. Go to the Permissions tab of your S3 bucket.
  2. Edit bucket policy in Permissions tab and add the following policy. Replace the <bucket_name> with your actual bucket name:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>/*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>"

In Redshift, you additionally need to set an IAM role as default for your cluster, unless access keys are provided. It is necessary because more than one IAM role can be associated with the cluster, and Redshift needs explicit permission granted through an IAM role to access the S3 bucket (Public or Private).

Follow Redshift Documentation for setting an IAM role as default.

Use CSV file as input

An input file (models/inputs.yaml) contains details of input sources such as tables, views, or CSV files along with column name and SQL expression for retrieving values.

You can read data from a CSV file by using csv: <path_to_filename> under app_defaults in the input specs. CSV data is loaded internally as a single SQL select query, making it useful for seeding tests.

A sample code is as shown:

      csv: "../common.xtra/Temp_tbl_a.csv"
      # remaining syntax is same for all input sources
RudderStack does not support CSV files with more than a few hundred rows.

Filter data

You can filter out any data by using the filters field in your projects file:

For example, if you want to exclude all the blacklisted email addresses, you can create an input model (for example, csv_email_blacklist) with CSV file as a source, that contains all such email addresses:

  - name: email
      - type: exclude
          select: email
          from: inputs/csv_email_blacklist

Another example, if you want to exclude all the user_ids, you can create an SQL model (for example, sql_exclusion_model) that contains a specific logic to enlist all such IDs:

  - name: user_id
      - type: exclude
          select: user_id
          from: inputs/models/sql_exclusion_model

Best schema version (tags)

It is recommended to use git-tags instead of the latest commit on main branch of your library projects. You can use a specific tag, for example: https://github.com/org-name/lib-name/tag/schema_<n>. If you want Profile Builder to figure out the best schema version for every run, you can use the placeholder {{best_schema_version}}, for example, https://github.com/org-name/lib-name/tag/schema_{{best_schema_version}}. The selection of compatible git tags is done by PB, that is it will figure out the best compatible version for the lib package.

A sample project file:

  - name: shopify_features
    url: https://github.com/org-name/lib-names/tag/schema_{{best_schema_version}}
      rsCartUpdate: inputs/rsCartUpdate
      rsIdentifies: inputs/rsIdentifies

Using this will make Profiles use the best compatible version of the library project in case of any schema updates.

You don’t have to replace the placeholder {{best_schema_version}}. For instance, if https://github.com/org-name/lib-names/tags/ has a tag for schema_44, then https://github.com/org-name/lib-names/tag/schema_44 will be automatically used. In any case, if you replace the placeholder with actual tag name, the project will work without any issues.

Use private Git repos via CLI

Follow these steps:

  1. Generate the SSH Key.
  2. Associate the SSH Key to your Git Project. Check the section on Profile Builder CLI.
  3. Add private keys as credentials in the siteconfig.yaml file:
  - reporegex: git@<provider-host>:<org-name>/*
    key: |
    -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----    

Supported Git URLs

Profiles supports Git URLs for packages and scheduling via UI. You can host the repos at:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • BitBucket

Contact the RudderStack team if your preferred host isn’t included.

For private repos, RudderStack only supports SSH Git URLs. You need to add credentials to the siteconfig.yaml and public ssh key manually to the platforms. See Use private Git repos via CLI.

The URL scheme doesn’t depend on individual Git provider host. You can use the below-mentioned Git URLs:

1. URL for the default branch of a repository

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    https://github.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/shopify-features https://gitlab.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/shopify-features https://bitbucket.org/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/shopify-features

For private repos, RudderStack support SSH URLs:

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    git@github.com:rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/shopify-features git@gitlab.com:rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/shopify-features git@gbitbucket.org:rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/shopify-features

2. URL for a specific branch of a repository

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    https://github.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tree/main/shopify-features https://gitlab.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tree/main/shopify-features https://bitbucket.org/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tree/main/shopify-features

3. URL for a specific tag within the repository

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    https://github.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tag/wht_test/shopify-features https://gitlab.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tag/wht_test/shopify-features https://bitbucket.org/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/tag/wht_test/shopify-features

4. URL for a specific commit within the repository

  • Syntax:


  • Example:

    https://github.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/commit/b8d49/shopify-features https://gitlab.com/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/commit/b8d49/shopify-features https://bitbucket.org/rudderlabs/librs360-shopify-features/commit/b8d49/shopify-features


RudderStack supports the git SSH URL with following pattern only in the dashboard:

  • git@<provider-host>:<org-name>/<repo-name>/tree/<branch-name>
  • git@<provider-host>:<org-name>/<repo-name>
  • git@<provider-host>:<org-name>/<repo-name>/tree/main/path/to/project

RudderStack supports any subfolder in git project without .git extension.

View model dependencies

You can create a DAG to see all the model dependencies, that is, how a model is dependent on other models by using any one of the following commands:

pb show dataflow
pb show dependencies

Further, you can use the pb show models command to view information about the models in your project. See show command for more information.

Multi-version support

This feature is supported for the Profiles versions 0.10.8, 0.11.5, and 0.12.0 onwards.

You can constraint your Profiles project to run only on specific version(s) by specifying it in the pb_project.yaml file, under python_requirements key. For example, use the below snippet to run your project on v0.10.8:

  - profiles-rudderstack==0.10.8

Use the below snippet to stay on any minor version between 0.12.0 and 0.13.0. If a new minor version is released, your project will be auto-migrated to that version:

  - profiles-rudderstack>=0.12.0,<0.13.0

If you do not specify any version in pb_project.yaml, the latest Profiles version is used by default. The version constraints follow the same syntax as those of Python dependency specifiers.

Make sure that the version of Profiles project is the same in your environment and the pb_project.yaml file otherwise, RudderStack will throw an error.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack