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SQL Models

Use custom SQL queries to enrich unified profiles for some advanced use-cases.

In feature development, you can define and use features to deliver meaningful business outcomes. However, there might be cases where you want to implement some complex use cases that are difficult to achieve by defining only a few features.

With Profiles, you can use SQL models to write custom SQL queries to define specific user features.

How to use SQL Models?

You can use the RudderStack’s SQL models to write custom SQL queries defining the required features/traits.

A sample configuration file to create a SQL model:

- name: test_sql
  model_type: sql_template
    validity_time: 24h# 1 day
    materialization:                 // optional
      run_type: discrete             // optional [discrete, incremental]
    single_sql: |
        {%- with input1 = this.DeRef("inputs/tbl_a") -%}
          select id1 as new_id1, id2 as new_id2, {{input1}}.* 
            from {{input1}}
        {%- endwith -%}        
    occurred_at_col: insert_ts        // optional
      - select: "new_id1"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "new_id2"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true
      - select: "id3"
        type: test_id
        entity: user
        to_default_stitcher: true


  • Track first-touch attribution to extract the first-touch channel across customer activity.
  • Extract the last seen attribute for users by extracting the max timestamp across all the sources.

See also

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