RudderStack API

Explore the RudderStack APIs to manage your RudderStack sources, destinations, transformations and more.

Audit Logs API

Access audit logs programmatically using the Audit Logs API.

Data Catalog API

Manage your tracking plans, events, and properties in your data catalog programmatically.

Event Audit API v2

Get event metadata to ensure compliance with your data governance policies.


Send event data from source to destination using our HTTP API.

Pixel API

Route event data to your desired destination with our Pixel API.

Profiles API

Run your Profiles project programmatically and check its run status.

Reverse ETL Connections API

Programmatically run syncs for a Reverse ETL connection.

Test API

Use the RudderStack Test API to verify the event workflow for your configured sources and destinations.

Tracking Plan API

Use our tracking plan API to programmatically manage your tracking plans.

Transformations API

API Specification to manage your RudderStack Transformations and Libraries.

User Suppression API

Suppress and delete user data in accordance with your user suppression policies.

Questions? Contact us by email or on Slack